Submissions are Open!!

Posted in: Books
Happy new year! After the shitshow that was 2020, I sincerely hope 2021 is better, brighter, and safer for everyone. And because it is now officially the new year, submissions are officially open! Head on over to the submissions page and get those manuscripts ready! Submissions are open for the month of January so don’t delay!

A quick word about the submission fee: yes, I know that people hate them and I understand and often agree. Paying a press to read (and likely reject!) my manuscript seems absurd. But the reality of it is starting and running a press is an expensive endeavor. Just launching the press has cost me close to $5k, and that’s before I have even started publishing a single book. I knew that from the start and budgeted accordingly. But submission fees will ensure the press continues and at $10 per manuscript, I feel it’s a reasonable cost. In addition, once I’ve published a few titles I hope that instead of charging submission fees, those who wish to submit their manuscripts will instead purchase one of Riot in Your Throat’s books – this brings money into the press, and those submitting a manuscript get a book of poetry. But until I have a few books to offer, a submission fee is required. I understand the fee may discourage some from submitting and I accept that. But for this first open submission period, a $10 fee is required.

My goal is to complete the first round of reviews by the end of February, however this is contingent on how many manuscripts I receive. As this is the first open submission period for the press, I don’t know what to expect – will I get ten manuscripts or one hundred? Without knowing what to expect I can’t give a hard timeline but my goal is to announce the longlist titles by the end of February. From there, I anticipate the winners will be announced about 3 weeks later.

I’m looking forward to reading your words! Send me your fiercest work!

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1 Comment. Leave new

  • Annette Gagliardi
    January 5, 2021 9:34 pm

    Hi Courtney LeBlanc,
    I’ve been writing poetry and other things since the 1980’s and find I like a women’s press – the idea of it, the exclusivity and positivity of it. Perhaps that’s because I’m a woman. Congratulations on your new website and publishing company. Good luck in all you do. Happy 2021.
    Best to you,
    Annette Gagliardi


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