Courtney’s fourth collection of poetry, Her Dark Everything, is now available for pre-order! She’s the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Riot in Your Throat but we still wanted to interview her so you could get to know her, and her new collection, a little bit better.
How long did it take you to write Her Dark Everything? What was your process for pulling it together?
Most of the poems were written over a 18-month period—from the time my best friend began ketamine infusions to treat her severe depression, to shortly after another friend died by suicide. I didn’t realize how closely these poems would be in conversation with each other, how they would interact and echo one another – love poems to my best friend and gratitude the treatment was successful and she’s still living and poems of loss and grief to my other friend who died.
As I age I learn my female friendships are among the most important to me – women support each other in a very vital and important way. I wanted the poems I wrote to my best friend to show how much she means to me and how grateful I am for both her friendship, and for her desire to stay. And I wanted to honor the loss of my other friend, whose absence means the world is a little less glamorous.
When I pulled the collection together I started with the grief and loss poems – the poems I wrote immediately after learning of my friend’s death by suicide. The second half of the book switches gears a little bit as it talks about other struggles in the world, but also includes the poems that honor my best friend and our friendship. The second half balances out the first half and I hope readers see the hope and joy and love shine through.
What’s a favorite poem from the collection? Why?
Belly Dancing as Love Poem is definitely a favorite because it’s a true story. My best friend and I did take belly dancing lessons together and the instructor did say those things to us and yet we still had a blast. It’s a ridiculous memory but I love it.
What’s your writing routine look like?
It depends of course but I try to write as often as I can though I don’t have a strict routine. I have a poetry coven, a monthly generative workshop I run, plus I attend other online workshops, and I try to jot stuff down any time the creativity hits. I’m always writing, even if some of what I’m writing never makes it past that first draft stage.
Who are your favorite poets?
I love Megan Falley and Jeanann Verlee. I love Melissa Fite Johnson and Laura Passin, fellow RIYT poets. I love Joan Kwon Glass and Kelli Russell Agodon.
What are you reading right now?
In 2024 I read 446 books — an all-time high for me!! — but this year I’ve started a little slower and have only read 5 books so far. 😉 I really enjoyed Mothman Apologia by Robert Lynn Wood and I just started reading The Magic All Around by Jennifer Moorman.

What’s your favorite non-writing activity?
Either hiking my dogs—we hit the trails daily and we all need it for both our physical and mental health!—or baking and cooking.

You can pre-order Courtney’s new collection, Her Dark Everything, books will ship late March 2025!