Another Life by Frances Klein



I Have Never Wanted Another Life is a collection of poems that circle motherhood and all it entails, its hopes and its horrors. It’s about the life chosen and the life left unlived. Frances Klein takes the reader on a journey through both the pain and the pleasure in the paths followed. Each poem carries the reader a little further forward but doesn’t stop them from looking back and wondering What if? These poems explore memory and history and future and dreams, they delve into desire in all its forms and ask questions that linger long after you’ve read them. I Have Never Wanted Another Life allows the reader to wonder at all that could have been while remaining grateful for all that is.

Available for pre-order, books will ship late January 2025.

About the author:

Frances Klein is an Alaskan poet and teacher. Klein is the author of several poetry chapbooks, including The Best Secret (Bottlecap Press, 2021), New and Permanent (Blanket Sea Press, 2021), and (Text) Messages from The Angel Gabriel (Gnashing Teeth Press, 2024). Another Life is her first full length collection. Klein’s writing has appeared in Best Microfictions, The Harvard Advocate, The London Magazine, HAD, and others. She lives in Southeast Alaska with her husband and son.

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Additional information

Weight 0.4 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 9 × 0.75 in