Little Deaths is a collection of poems that provide the reader with insight into loss: of love, of stories never told, of the dogs who become so much more than simple pets. The poems don’t end there however, they carry the reader forward, into a place where grief grows and blossoms, and eventually blooms into something more—healing and hope. Without ever tipping over into sentimentality, Shilo Niziolek weaves poems that will make you simultaneously weep with sorrow and then step outside barefoot and tremble in awe at the absurdity and beauty of living. This collection shows us what real love looks like and how once a dog or person has burrowed into your heart, you’ll never ever want it any other way.
About the author:
Shilo Niziolek has written Fever, atrophy, and Pigeon House (Querencia Press), A Thousand Winters In Me (Gasher Press), I Am Not An Erosion: Poems Against Decay (Ghost City Press), and Dirt Eaters (Bottlecap Press). Her work has appeared in Juked, Honey Literary, West Trade Review, Entropy, Pork Belly Press, and Phoebe Journal among others. Shilo is a writing instructor at Clackamas Community College, a workshop facilitator for the Literary Arts, and is the editor and co-founder of the literary magazine, Scavengers. Find her on Instagram @shiloniziolek